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Your Partner In Publishing

Find Your Perfect Publishing Match

Looking for the right publishing partner can feel overwhelming, but we're here to make it simple.

Our platform is designed to connect authors like you with the perfect publishing services to meet your unique needs. We'll guide you through the process, matching you with publishers who specialize in your genre and understand your goals.

Is Supported Self-Publishing For You?

Our platform is designed to connect authors like you with the perfect publishing services to meet your unique needs. We'll guide you through the process, matching you with publishers who specialize in your genre and understand your goals.

A hands-on approach to book publishing
Tens of thousands of authors each year choose to take alternative methods to traditional publishing to get their books into the hands of readers. Both first-time and experienced authors have discovered that publishing service-providers, like Author Solutions' industry-leading imprints, offer the publishing, marketing, and distribution services that authors need to achieve their publishing goals.

To the Author's Advantage
Authors who choose to go with a self-publishing company, rather than take the traditional publishing route, retain control of their work and copyrights — and that is very important. Being able to control the destiny of your book gives you complete flexibility to "cash in" if the opportunity for a movie or TV adaptation presents itself. With self-publishing, authors are free to negotiate any other deals or sell to a traditional publishing firm at any time.

Another clear advantage is your complete control over the content and design of your book. Still another benefit is that publishing service-providers help authors bring their books to market more quickly and provide higher royalties for every book sold, as compared with traditional publishing.

It's time to take control of your book's destiny and find publishing options that are tailored to your needs. Fill in the form above to find the publishing firm that best suits your goals for your book.

How It Works:

  1. Share Your Vision: Tell us about your book and what you hope to achieve.
  2. Receive Personalized Recommendations: We'll analyze your information and suggest publishers who align with your vision.
  3. Connect & Explore: We'll put you in touch with the recommended publishers so you can discuss your project and explore your options.

Supported Self-publishing offers incredible opportunities, but it's important to determine if it aligns with your goals and priorities. Consider these questions:

✓  Do you value creative control? Supported self-publishing empowers you to make all decisions about your book's content, design, and marketing.

✓  Are you comfortable with a hands-on approach? While you might have a team to back you up, supported self-publishing still requires more author involvement than traditional publishing.

✓  Are you looking to get your book to market quickly? Supported self-publishing typically offers faster timelines than traditional routes.

✓  Do you dream of retaining full ownership of your work? With supported self-publishing, you own all the rights to your book.

If you answered "yes" to most of these questions, then supported self-publishing might be your perfect path. Our Find Your Publisher platform aims to connect you with the perfect partner for this exciting venture.

Ready To Explore Your Options?

Fill out our form and let us help you find the perfect publishing solution for your unique book.

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